
The heart and pride of EKOKULTURA is our own production of beneficial insects: entomophages and bumblebees for pollination, as well as feed for beneficial insects.

Starting from 2017, we have been consistently increasing our production volumes and simultaneously expanding the range of entomophages to provide our clients with maximally effective and environmentally friendly plant protection methods.

Over the years, our production has introduced numerous products to the market, with the unique large-scale production of bumblebees for both open and protected grounds – BOMBUS PRO 5, being the highlight.

It's important to note that our production is located in close proximity to major agro-industrial regions, which greatly reduces the delivery time of bio-agents. As it is known, the most effective biological protection consists of fresh and active insects.

Pracownicy naszej biofabryki to wysoce wykwalifikowani specjaliści entomolodzy i biolodzy z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w pracy z owadami.

Procesy produkcyjne zarządzane są przez doświadczonych menedżerów, którzy stosują najnowsze technologie produkcyjne. Nasze produkty spełniają wszystkie weterynaryjne regulacje oraz światowe normy pakowania i transportu entomofagów.

In the manufacturing process, great attention is paid to:

  1. Research aimed at obtaining effective means of biological plant protection;
  2. The genetic purity of the production lines of entomophages;
  3. Packaging of the products, to ensure optimal conditions during transportation and ease of application.

We achieve quality at all stages - from the production of beneficial insects to logistic solutions during product transportation, to ensure maximum results on your crops.